Thursday, June 5, 2014

Ground Breaking and Advanced Discounted Reservations!


Today, John ( who is fearlessly pictured to the right with tree climbing gear) trekked to the back of the property and took a few pictures along the way. Tomorrow we will bring in equipment to break ground for the first tree house.  (watch for videos)

We are also ready to announce our "discounted" advanced reservation details. We have wanted to do this for months but were a little hesitant because of the delays we were experiencing getting the place bought in the first place.

Now that its done, we are fairly confident in our construction time line.

SO, As promised, we will be releasing the details to our subscriber list FIRST. If you are not a subscriber to our email news and updates, you can do that right now with the small form on the right of this page.

Oh, by the way. How's that for a cool pic on the left? We will have a hiking trail back to this spot at some point!

Anyway, back to the reservations.

If you have not subscribed, DO SO NOW at the form to the right of the page. You will receive an email tomorrow morning with detail of how to be among the first to Sleep In A Tree!

The fun is about to begin!

I will let you in on one little secret......

We will be limiting the number of nights available at the discounted rate. You DO NOT want to miss the information.


How about that cool picture to the right!

Hiking trail destination!

1 comment:

  1. We were so excited to take a tour of the new future home of Branson Tree House Adventures. I can't wait to see what you guys do with the place. John and Shannon are surely a blessing to ride out this family fun resort-campground with. They sure seem to be 2 of the nicest people to get this place going! God bless you all on this exciting adventure that I sure hope to be a part of in some way or another along the way. I'm so very happy for you all!.
