What exactly goes in to naming a treehouse cabin? You may think it's just a random stab at something interesting, catchy or trendy. (We may resort to that at some point) but for now, we are doing our best to have the name fit the cabin. With that said, I thought I would give a bit of a back-story to our other treehouses and how they got their names.
Misty View |
Misty View was our first treehouse cabin constructed in 2014, We started it in mid-June and completed it in late September. As we went out to work on it each day, we noticed that we were greeted most mornings with a misty haze out in the woods. Each day we would stand there, coffee (or Dr. Pepper) in hand marveling at the beauty that surrounded us. The name "Misty View" was a natural fit for our first cabin.
Below is a picture of one recent morning when the haze was settled in around the cabin. You will have to agree that sitting in the tree deck behind the cabin is a special experience on days like this!
Misty View |
Our Second cabin (or shall I say - group of cabins) is Ben's Hide Away! Ben's cabins were built to answer the MANY requests we received to build a treehouse that could accommodate a large family or group. Like 12 or 18. We could not see ourselves building something that big. (Much less try to engineer something like that) So we opted for a group treehouse cabin site instead. Our solution was to clear a large site and build three cabins that sleep up to 15 with a on-site outdoor kitchen, private bathroom on site and a covered picnic table area. In addition, the site as it's own fire pit and barbecue/smoker.
Ben's Hide Away |
Ben's Hide Away has a very unique story behind it. One of our valued employees and housekeeper, Susan, was looking for a way to invest of herself into the treehouse project. We decided to allow her to fund the construction of the site in exchange for an on-going royalty off the rental income from the site.
Our plan was to keep the name secret until the final unveiling of the site. Susan's son Ben has downs syndrome and is a very pleasant young man living on a working cattle ranch in Montana. He loves the outdoors and we couldn't think of a better and more fitting tribute to Susan and Ben than to name this particular treehouse after him.
Site 68 |
Now, it's on to "Site 68". our most recent project that is progressing very rapidly. It doesn't look like much yet, BUT neither did the other ones at this stage!
We are conducting a "Name the Treehouse" contest and giving away a FREE NIGHT in "Old Number 68" to the person with the winning entry! hmmmmmmm, Old Number 68...... that actually does have a bit of a ring to it after all. NO...we need something better!
Go to the following link to see how to become eligible and how to submit your name selections!
Contest Rules
Treehouse building is fun, exciting and challenging. I think that naming the treehouses is the most difficult part. Thanks so much for jumping in to the process and helping us give these cabins wonderful and special names.
If you would like to book a visit to one of our treehouses, go to
www.bransontreehouseadventures.com to book on-line or simply call our office at 417-338-2500 and let our staff help you!
See You in the Trees!
Stairway to Heaven. ..