Monday, February 9, 2015

Did Something Just Move?

Now that we have started the next round of treehouse cabins, I'm finding it difficult to take time to sit down and do updates. It's February here and we get temps anywhere from below freezing to 72 degrees just a couple days ago. I thought I would share a couple of terms and phrases that accompany treehouse building.

DARN TREES! - The most common statement heard on a treehouse construction site. It occurs when the cabin, the worker and the trees are all attempting to occupy the same space at the same time. Since the cabin and the trees really don't care, it's the worker that is responsible for this statement.

Did something just move? - This is not an obviously "Special" statement, because everything moves........all the time! What distinguishes it from the normal "Did something just move?" is when something moves that is not expected to move! Say...... scaffolding for example. No, wait....That always moves. LADDERS! No, those always move too. You know what? Everything moves all the time!

Scaffolding - Something.....actually anything ...... that randomly resembles actual scaffolding. Attachment points can be walls, posts, trees, heavy equipment, ladders, and any other semi permanent (or temporary) object. Attachment devices can include nails, screws, cargo straps, zip ties, ropes or heavy equipment when used with a combination of previously listed attachment devices. (See photo to the right!)

Who's going up on the roof? - A statement made by any worker who does not want to go up on the roof!

Flipping the coin - A mystical process to determine who is going up on the roof. When there is a coin flip, Martin always wins. Which is also part of the reason coin flips have been outlawed!

WHOSE IDEA WAS THIS ANYWAY? - We have not been able to answer this question!

Get a rope - So far, this statement has been used exclusively to anyone needing a tie off rope and harness for working on the roof. Although it is being contemplated as a suitable phrase for use as we begin to figure out "Whose idea was this anyway!"

That is SO COOL! - The phrase heard as each stage of construction is being completed! It signals that it is now okay to move on to the next phase.

I think I'm too old for this - A statement made by everyone except John and applies to every aspect of treehouse construction except coffee and donut break. The frequency of this statement is in direct proportion to the height that one happens to be working.

HEY, I'M IN HERE! - A sound that emanates out from the inside of the cabin as nails are being shot through the cabin walls missing the studs.

These are just a few of the commonly heard phrases and statements heard around the treehouse construction sites.

Watch for more news in future posts and don't forget to check out our website at:

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